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Schematic and Detail Design

Schematic Design Services

A schematic design of your project is crucial for the design phase.

A schematic design is crucial for the design phase of any project, serving as the foundational blueprint that guides all subsequent development. ASTOUND's Schematic Design Services specialize in transforming initial concepts into detailed schematic diagrams that effectively lay out the project's essential aspects. Our team ensures these designs are comprehensive, accurate, and optimized for further development and construction.

Whether you're planning a new building, renovating a space, or developing a complex engineering project, our schematic designs provide the clarity and precision needed to move forward confidently. We work closely with clients to ensure every schematic accurately reflects their vision and requirements, setting a solid foundation for detailed design and construction.

See the work

Selected work

Collision Conference

Astound delivered part-art space, part-learning space and part-work space for Interac

Princess Diana:
A Tribute Exhibition

SBX group partnered with Pink Ribbons Crusade, see global entertainment and astound to bring the legacy of Princess Diana to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between schematic design and detailed design?

Schematic design involves creating the initial drawings that outline the basic concepts of a project, focusing on the general layout, scale, and relationships between components. Detailed design, also known as design development, expands on the schematic by providing comprehensive specifications and detailed drawings needed for construction. It includes precise measurements, material types, and technical details that enable contractors to build the project.

What is the schematic design method?

A schematic in design refers to preliminary drawings or diagrams that represent the basic framework of a project. These schematics are used to communicate ideas, concepts, and functionality effectively before detailed planning begins. They typically show the arrangement of elements and their interactions but not the detailed specifics.

What is the difference between scheme design and detailed design?

Scheme design and detailed design are stages of the architectural and engineering design process. Scheme design (or schematic design) sets out the general outline and scale of the project, focusing on the arrangement and relationship of spaces. Detailed design follows, providing detailed specifications necessary for construction, including technical drawings, material specifications, and construction details.

What is the schematic design method?

The schematic design method is a phase in the project design where architects and engineers create diagrams that outline the project’s basic components and their relationships. This method focuses on exploring concepts and iterating on ideas to establish a clear and functional design direction for the project.

What are schematic design drawings?

Schematic design drawings are preliminary representations used to define and communicate the basic elements of a project during the early stages of the design process. These drawings are crucial for getting client approval and for guiding more detailed designs. They typically include floor plans, site plans, and initial elevation views.